The author’s and intellectual property rights in regards to this website, it’s URL and content, rest entirely with Stichting Sousa Tribute Band. Name as used for the wind band is administered by Stichting Sousa Tribute Band. Logo of the National Youth Concert Band NL as used other publication, in an intrical part of that.

Names of members of the Board, members of the Recommendation Committee, conductor(s), student musicians and staff, including links to URL’s of their respective websites, weblogs, etc., are published with their prior consent.


All media outings including pictures are published with prior consent of the rights owners. Exception is made for those belonging to the public domain.


Names of related organizations and links to the respective URL’s of their websites, are published with prior consent of the owners.


The photo published on this website as made by Mr. Toon Büchner, copyright falls to Sanders & Rozemeijer Bedrijfsfototeam Amsterdam. The user right of this falls exclusively to Stichting Sousa Tribute Band. Copying this is not allowed and legally prohibited.


All violations against rights which fall to Stichting Sousa Tribute Band, will be submitted to the presiding Judge at the Court of Oost-Brabant in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.